Women’s Soul Service
We align our Soul Service offerings with the lunar cycle. We hold online ceremonies around the New Moon of each month and in person retreats around the Full Moon of each month. To support the healing, liberation &empowerment of one another in sacred ceremony.
The vision
My sisters it is time.
Remember who you are.
Hear the call.
It is time to reclaim our crown.
We are Queens.
It is time to reclaim our power.
We are warriors, lionesses.
Remember who you are.
Hear the call.
It is time we raise one another up.
It is time to rise!
It is time to stand together once again.
The Divine Feminine is rising.
Mother Nature is calling you back to your roots.
The heartbeat of Gaia.
Raw, primal, intoxicatingly beautiful.
For too long we have been silenced, suppressed, held down.
Yet, all the world’s strength and power resides within you.
Our Kings need us.
Remember who you are.
The ancient wisdom is in your soul, our ancestor’s power from times forgotten.
You hold codes, you are a cosmic portal.
You birth life into this world.
Open your eyes, open your ears, open your heart.
The world needs strong women, holding hands, building one another up.
The world needs our love more than ever now.
To every woman, I love you. I salute you. I feel you.
Sisters, it is time to rise once more.
Jade Gaia.
2024 Soul Service dates:
Soul Service Dates for 2024:
Sunday 14th July
Reclaim Your Inner Wild Woman Online Workshop
Exchange: £40
For more information and tickets, via Eventbrite
Saturday 20th July
Soul Service Online Circle
Exchange £10
Includes, Invocation & Opening Prayer, Sharing Circle, Guided Meditation, Earth Offering & Prayer Bundle.
Sunday 21st July
Soul Service Day Elemental Retreat, Full Moon in Capricorn
11am-6pm, Shepperton
Exchange: £80
Thursday 1st August
Soul Service Online Circle
7-8.30 pm
Exchange £5
Includes, Invocation & Opening Prayer, Sharing Circle, Guided Meditation, Earth Offering & Prayer Bundle.
Sunday 1st September
Soul Service Day Elemental Retreat, New Moon in Virgo
11am-6pm, Shepperton
Exchange: £80
For more information and to secure your place, please email: jgjade.gaia@gmail.com
Please get in touch to book your place as spaces are limited. Each service is different. For more information on a particular event, please get in touch.
What to expect
Copal Energetic Cleanse
A cleansing ritual to allow Copal’s fragrant smoke to purify and clear stagnant energies in the body, creating space for the intentions you will set during the ceremony.
Sharing Circle
Witness and be witnessed as we hold space for each woman’s growth and transformation. Share your experiences and dreams with a circle of women, nurturing a community of support and sisterhood.
We will work with ceremonial Cacao - a powerful medicine which floods the body with healing compounds to facilitate deep relaxation, emotional release, and the opening of the heart centre. Cacao is an ancient medicine dubbed ‘food of the Gods’ by the ancient Mayans.
Guided Soul Journey & Shamanic Sound Healing
Immerse your soul in a profound guided journey weaving storytelling, soul retrieval & medicine music. Allow the healing tones of crystal bowls, shamanic drums, and gentle harmonies wash over you, elevating your spirit.
Our day retreat also includes:
Wholesome plant-based Lunch
Enjoy a beautiful organic lunch amongst our community in sacred sisterhood. We will be serving a sweet potato & coconut curry with quinoa, salad & a warming mug of chai.
Silent Nature Walk & Forest Bathing
Nature is the greatest healer and teacher of all. This will be an opportunity to connect and tune in deeply to Mother Earth to receive her profound nurturing force and ancient wisdom for your soul's healing.
Collective Earth Offering & Prayer Bundle
In the spirit of sacred reciprocity, we will create a collective prayer bundle to give thanks to Mother Earth. This is a ritual offering set in a crystal grid made up of: herbs, seeds, grains, flowers and honey, infused with the energy of our prayers and what we are calling into our lives to be alchemised by Spirit.
Sacred Fire Circle & Song Circle
Finally, we will celebrate together with uplifting medicine music around the sacred fire - every woman is invited to participate fully bringing their own unique voice forward in a collective sound.
We will close the day with a prayer of gratitude.
The outer turbulence we face collectively, is the dying gasp of the old destructive story which has kept women silent and disempowered for far too long. Stepping together, hand in hand, into conscious unity is one of the most powerful acts of healing and activism we can do. Through circle and ceremony, we participate in the redemption and reclamation of the human spirit, in the hope of a brighter, more colourful future for our planetary Home.
Nourishment in Sisterhood:
"Finding and nurturing mutual support with other women on the path of embodying their sovereignty is a core piece of women's liberation" Bethany Webster
Reclaiming The Wild Feminine Soul
Within every woman, there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful cosmic force, filled with strong instincts, passionate creativity, and ancient knowing.
But, for thousands of years, women have forgotten their divine connection to the wild feminine soul, because of the dominant paradigm which dismissed the sacred and shamed the feminine.
For too long, women have been forced to shut down their intuition, guard their hearts, close their eyes and contract their spirits.
The result is a profound sickness of the wild feminine soul, one that affects us both individually and collectively. It is a story of alienation from each other, from Nature and from the miraculous beauty and Mystery of Life.
Until Now.
We are living in a time prophesied by the ancients and indigenous wisdom keepers, known as The Great Remembering. It is a time of accelerated transformation for humanity and a collective shift to a more enlightened consciousness.
We, the daughters of Earth, are here to birth the new story.
We, the daughters of The Divine Mother, are Returning ourselves back to Wholeness and Holiness.
Together, we are calling back the wild feminine soul.
Bone by bone, hair by hair, dream by dream, She Returns.
"A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity.
If you need one, seek it.
Embrace it.
Dive in deep.
Let them see you.
Let them hear you.
Let them hold you.
Let your reluctant tears fall.
Let yourself Rise fierce.
The very fabric of your being will be altered by this.
You will be changed.
If you allow it.
Do you hear The Call?"
The Soul Service ~ Circle & Ceremony
The power of women gathering is immeasurable.
Throughout the year I collaborate with my soul sister, Lana Jagger.
Together, as ceremonialists, we hold women’s ceremonies, gatherings and retreats. To come Home to yourself.
Our Women’s Soul Service involves coming together in circle to support the healing, liberation and empowerment of one another in sacred ceremony.
They involve storytelling, shamanic embodiment practises, sound healing, music, songs, poetry, meditation and deeply rooted ancient practices from our ancestors.
Through this ancient and timeless practice, we break down the boundaries of our separateness, and serve each other as compassionate witnesses and reflections.
In the circle, we are free to express ourselves authentically and honestly with no fear of judgement. Social roles and labels are left at the door and we each enter into a safe container where:
We are seen.
We are heard.
We are held.
A powerful container for transformation, going within, to activate, and awaken your ancient knowledge, by remembering who you are. You will gain insights and heal.
Come as you are. Unapologetically you. Hear the Call.
Lana is a musician and mystic walking the shamanic path.
With a background in academic psychology and experience working in psychiatric environments, Lana experienced an existential crisis 6 years ago, ignited by a deep sense of disillusionment with western society. This crisis catalysed a spiritual awakening and since then, Lana’s soul has guided her to study many esoteric and spiritual disciplines including: shamanic journeying, sound healing, breath work and plant medicine shamanism. Lana’s mission now, is to resurrect empowering ancient and shamanic practices within her own community, to help others Remember their deeper truths and unique soul gifts beyond what the society has dictated.